Cadet 150 National Parade

LAC Tayla Walker reports on the National Cadet 150 Parade.

On the weekend of the 8th – 9th November 2014, 150 Air, Sea and Army cadets were chosen out of New Zealand to parade in celebration of 150 years of Cadet Forces.

Midday Saturday everyone gathered at the Royal New Zealand Police College in Papakowhai for some hard-core drill training. We spent all afternoon out on the parade ground practising basic foot drill such as standing at ease and attention, left, right and about turns, and also marching and wheeling. However, due to the spectacularly hot weather, there were breaks every 10-15 minutes in which we drank water from minuscule cups, and slathered ourselves in sunblock.

After about 4 and a half hours of this, we were sent inside while the out-of-towners sorted out their rooms for the night. During this time, everyone else talked, laughed, and the majority was glued to their smartphones and iPods. We were all then marched in a double-file line to the mess for dinner, where we were to choose from sticky pork ribs, Thai chicken curry and rice, or tuna salad, with thickly iced chocolate cake for afters. After dinner, we all made our way back to where we started that morning, and were given free 150 merchandise such as caps, drink bottles, and overly large T-shirts.

Sunday, early morning, we all gathered in front of Parliament, in crisply ironed, perfectly polished uniforms, and were split into Corps flights. We then marched onto the front of the Beehive, and listened to a few speeches. Everyone then congregated inside the Old Saint Paul’s Cathedral alongside Parliament, for a short remembrance service.

The weekend was full of fun, and new friends. It made me proud to be a part of the New Zealand Cadet Forces.

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