Festival of Elements recruiting – Waitangi Day 2014

A number of cadets joined Pilot Officer Asbery to deploy and man the Squadron’s flight simulators at Te Rauperaha Arena in Porirua as part of the Festival of Elements celebration for Waitangi Day in order to complete the recruiting drive for the Squadron.

Over the day the flight sims were kept busy with a constant stream of budding pilots, and a large number of flyers were handed out to potential new recruits to the Squadron for 2014.

Anyone who would like to fly real planes, gliders and helicopters will hopefully join us at TS Taupo on Monday 10th Feb for a ‘New recruits night’ and introduction to the Squadron.

Pictured: 1) The overall setup, 2) Cadets man the simulators, 3) Cdt Eagles takes a young pilot through a flight, 4) Some words of encouragement from Cdt Rose, 5) Warrant Officer Fowler and Cadet Eagles enjoying their roles

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